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网址:sywenshen.oy56.cn  2023-10-08  作者:admin    阅读:

Why do some tattoos need multiple laser treatments?
一般较浅的纹刺都可以通过激光一次的治疗便能收到很明显的效果,甚至完全消褪,但如果纹身较深的话,通过一次的治疗是很难彻底消除的,这种情况下通常就需要多次的治疗才能起到最好的效果。激光治疗纹身的效果还与纹刺的染料质量有莫大的关系,例如纹眉纹眼线采用的染料颗粒比较细,而且染料成分较纯净,治疗起来效果显著,基本上一次治疗就能明显消除。而普通的纹身采用的染料基本都是墨水,墨水不但颗粒粗,而且杂志很多州苗木 保定通风管道 丝网立柱模具 尼龙输送带 保定空压机 高碑店养老院,所以在治疗上比纹眉纹眼的难度要大些,一次的治疗很难完全消除,需要4-6次为一个疗程才能收到比较好的效果,而且两次治疗的间隔时间不能少于一个月。
Generally, shallow tattoos can be treated by laser once, which can get very obvious effect, even completely fade. But if the tattoo is deep, it is difficult to completely eliminate it by one treatment. In this case, it usually requires multiple treatments to achieve the best effect. The effect of laser treatment on tattoos is also related to the quality of the dye. The dye grains of the eyebrow lines are relatively fine, and the dye composition is relatively pure. The treatment is effective, and basically the treatment can be eliminated at one time. The common dye used in tattoo is ink. Ink is not only coarse, but also has many magazines. So it is more difficult to treat eyebrow tattoo eyes. One treatment is difficult to completely eliminate. It takes 4-6 times as a course of treatment to get a better effect, and the interval between two treatments cannot be less than one month.
Generally speaking, green and yellow tattoos are hard to get rid of. Professional tattoos are easy to be oxidized and hard to get rid of due to the presence of metal Fe and other dyes.

