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网址:sywenshen.oy56.cn  2023-09-05  作者:admin    阅读:

Tattoo should pay attention to the following aspects:
Firstly, it is important to pay attention to the cleanliness of the equipment in the tattoo shop. Tattoo can be considered a minor surgery, so the hygiene of the equipment is crucial. Tattoo operators should use disposable gloves and needles, and the tattoo machine should be made of stainless steel material.
Secondly, it is important to understand the quality of tattoo pigments. Tattoos generally do not use the dyes and ink used for tattoos, but instead use liquid plant pigments soaked in alcohol. Due to the fact that plant pigments are extracted from natural plants, they are less susceptible to infection when they penetrate the skin.
Thirdly, one should pay attention to their own protection. In tattoo
When using adrenaline, it is necessary to clean and stop bleeding. After the tattoo is completed, warm water should be used to scrub the tattoo, and the tattoo should be kept dry (usually lasting for a week), otherwise it can cause infection and lead to skin decay.
Chen Yanli, Associate Professor of the Department of Dermatology at Hong Kong University, stated that the chemical pigments used for tattoos can easily cause irritating and sensitive dermatitis, itching of affected areas, and causing wear and tear damage. If the pigment remains on the skin for a long time, it can cause functional disorders of the skin, and in severe cases, edema and ulceration may occur.
德国慕尼克大学皮肤专科诊所部门主管,约尔格.基斯杜化.普林兹教授说,如果墨料内含一成对苯二胺,则十个人中有八个也会出现敏感。普林兹教授警告阳雕刻 手套生产设备 果树反光膜 北京纯水设备 保定网站制作 排水槽模具父母,不要让儿童、青少年接触各种含对苯二胺的产品,这些有害的化学染料可能会引致深远的后遗症。
Professor Jorge Kisduhua Prinz, head of the dermatology clinic at the University of Munich in Germany, said that if the ink contains a pair of phenylenediamines, eight out of ten people will also develop sensitivity. Professor Prinz warns parents not to let children and adolescents come into contact with various products containing p-phenylenediamine, as these harmful chemical dyes may cause profound sequelae.

