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网址:sywenshen.oy56.cn  2023-08-09  作者:admin    阅读:

Tattoos, a foreign name, have many origins and are quite complex in ancient times, with different customs in different places. As early as the primitive human era, ancient people would use white mud or fuel to draw patterns on their bodies and faces. Its function is to beautify oneself and scare the enemy. The early people initially used clay, oil, or plant juices to smear their bodies because they believed it was beneficial for the body. For example, the ancient Yilou people used "glutinous rice paste to apply to the body in winter to ward off the cold". Later, they gradually realized that applying the body in this way was beautiful, so they applied it to their bodies for aesthetic pleasure. The scars left by combat and hunting injuries are considered by women to be a symbol of brave and magnificent men, and can also make residual decoration popular. And more primitive people painted animal totems on their skin that were believed to be ancestors of their tribe. Once it was established as a formal member of their clan, tattoos became a system. As for some ancient books that record "tattooing to avoid the harm of dragons", it is another custom and concept. It is estimated that during the Stone Age around 14000 years ago, Egyptian pyramids contained mummies dating back over 4000 years, with prominent tattoo masterpieces engraved on the bodies of male and female nobles. Tattoos are defined as the interpretation of their social hierarchy and tribal alliance.
文身还有另外一种特殊的意义,这就是原始初民得到了能过性生活的权利。大量的民族学材料证明,作为民族图腾标志的原始文身,虽然在文身的氏族里人人必行,但是在时间和泥杆 保定古筝 塑料增韧剂 拱形护坡模具 保定空调维修  托辊生产线年龄上却有固定的要求,即一般以成年入社式为中心,或者从童年开始,到举行成年式时完成,或者从成年式时开始,过后几年完成。
Tattoos have another special meaning, which is that the primitive people were granted the right to have sex. A large amount of ethnological materials have proven that the original tattoo, as a symbol of national totem, although it is mandatory for everyone in the tattooed clan, has fixed requirements in terms of time and age, that is, it is generally centered around adult social integration, or completed from childhood to adulthood, or from adulthood to several years later.

