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网址:sywenshen.oy56.cn  2023-07-10  作者:admin    阅读:

Laser wash tattoo
一般人认为激光洗文身,又快又好,而用过的人会知道,有很多事情是激光做不到的,比如文身的绿色、非化学剂色料等复杂的染色色料,激光都洗不掉,还有用激光洗过三次仍洗不掉的颜色也很难再洗掉,因为激光的工作原理是将光能转换成热能,由于化学合成的黑色和红色染料能吸收更多的相对应波长的能量,所以较容易被洗掉,其他的颜色较难吸收能量,所以洗不掉。激光的能量不足以影响非化合物色素,所以洗不掉含金属原子成分的色料。激光也不能治“文刺色素中毒过定网站建设  伺服液位仪  防撞墙模具 唐山护栏 遮阳网 风电基础模具敏排异综合征”,因激光的势能会对有毒的色素起催化作用,使有毒色素渗得更深、更难脱。
Most people believe that laser cleaning of tattoos is fast and good, but those who have used it will know that there are many things that laser cannot do, such as complex dyeing materials such as green tattoos and non chemical dyes, which cannot be washed off by laser. In addition, colors that cannot be washed off after three laser washes are also difficult to wash off, because the working principle of laser is to convert light energy into heat energy, Due to the ability of chemically synthesized black and red dyes to absorb more energy at corresponding wavelengths, they are easier to wash off, while other colors are more difficult to absorb energy, so they cannot be washed off. The energy of the laser is not sufficient to affect non compound pigments, so it cannot wash out pigments containing metal atoms. Laser cannot treat "Wenci Pigment Poisoning Allergic Exclusion Syndrome" either, as the potential energy of laser can catalyze toxic pigments, making them deeper and more difficult to remove.

