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网址:sywenshen.oy56.cn  2022-07-30  作者:admin    阅读:

文和纹属于通假字,纹身(英文to tattoo ),也可以写做文身,又叫刺青,是用带有颜色的针刺入皮肤底层而在皮肤上制造一些图案或字眼出来。即指刺破皮肤而在创口敷用颜料使身上带有永久性花纹。在皮肤上造成隆起条纹瘢痕的作法,有时也称为文身。平纹文身在全世界大多数地区均有实行,肤色较深的民族没有这种习惯,中国近几百年间也比较少见。许多民族认为文身可以防病袪灾。也有的民族用文身标明地位、身份或某一集团的成员资格,但最普遍的动机大概是为了美观
Wen He Wen is a kind of fake character, tattoo (English to tattoo), which can also be written as tattoo, also known as tattoo. It is to make some patterns or words on the skin by using colored needles to penetrate into the bottom of the skin. It means to prick the skin and apply pigment on the wound to make the body have permanent pattern. The practice of creating raised striated scars on the skin, sometimes referred to as tattoos. Plain tattoo has been practiced in most parts of the world. People with darker skin color do not have this habit. It is also rare in China in recent hundreds of years. Many people think that tattoos can prevent diseases and eliminate disasters. There are also nations that use tattoos to indicate status, status, or membership of a group, but the most common motivation is probably for beauty

