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网址:sywenshen.oy56.cn  2022-06-21  作者:admin    阅读:

Tattoo washing, also known as tattoo removing, is to remove the original patterns on the body by certain technical means. With the rapid development of science and technology, there are many ways to wash tattoos, such as the method of removing pigment by freezing, the method of transferring heat by magic needle, the method of washing tattoos by high-frequency electronic watch needle, the method of washing tattoos by traditional Chinese medicine, and the method of washing tattoos by laser.
激光治疗法是将激光作用于患处,钢制闸门 钢坝 保定轻钢别墅 保定平面设计培训 保定室内设计培训 保定办公家具 保定空调维修 将色素颗粒击碎为极微小碎屑,通过皮肤脱痂排出,或是血液循环排出及细胞吞噬完成色素代谢。此方法不破坏其余皮肤组织,术后不留瘢痕,是治疗纹身的首选方法,但费用稍贵一些。
Laser therapy is to apply laser to the affected area, smash the pigment particles into very small debris, and discharge them through skin escharectomy, or blood circulation and cell phagocytosis to complete pigment metabolism. This method is the first choice for tattoo treatment, but the cost is a little more expensive.

