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网址:sywenshen.oy56.cn  2021-11-24  作者:admin    阅读:

Tattoos of Li ethnic group were selected into the first batch of provincial intangible cultural heritage list in Hainan.
There is a story in Li's village. In ancient times, when the flood overflowed, the old man and his brother and sister hid in the big pumpkin and drifted to Hainan Island. They searched for people on the island, but they did not find them. In order to continue the offspring, his sister's face was tattooed with his hair, which made his brother unable to recognize each other, so he became a couple. This story is very similar to the song of the Li people.
In Kazakhstan, Qi, Mobil, run Li, a small number of living elderly women still maintain the traditional tattoo custom.
文身是黎族女子人生中的大事,充满庄铜钟 一次性止血带 标志桩模具 钢丝轮 流水槽模具 防撞墙模具 检查井钢模具 不锈钢铸件 模锻件重神秘的色彩。文身的年龄、地点、日期及文身的传授方式、文身的过程、文身的报酬、文身的纹样、文身的部位等都有一套清规戒律。文身是氏族的标志,是成年的象征,其中包含着对美的追求,也包含着祈福、避邪的意愿。
Tattoo is an important event in Li women's life, full of solemn and mysterious color. There are a set of rules and regulations on the age, place, date, teaching method, process, reward, pattern and position of tattoo. Tattoo is the symbol of the clan and the symbol of adulthood, which contains the pursuit of beauty, as well as the desire to pray and avoid evil.

